intimage 伊甸美
Day Procedure Centre DP000301
Urinary Incontinence 尿失禁
Urinary incontinence is a health problem for women worldwide. It is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine from the urethra, so "urinary leakage" is equivalent to "urinary incontinence". The incidence of urinary incontinence in women ranges from 17% to 60%. The older the age, the higher the incidence. Overall, about 15% to 20% of women suffer from urinary incontinence.
There is more than one type of urinary incontinence, which can be divided into the following types.
Stress urinary incontinence: Due to natural childbirth and frequent childbirth, or due to pelvic surgery, hysterectomy, frequent constipation, long-term coughing, obesity, etc., the pelvic floor muscles relax, which weakens the ability to control the urethra. In addition, after menopause, due to the decline of estrogen, the urethral mucosa gradually atrophies and loses its original function. When laughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, jumping or running, the abdominal pressure increases, and urine leaks involuntarily, which is called "stress urinary incontinence."
Urge incontinence: Patients have an overly sensitive bladder or bladder muscle dysfunction, which can cause a sudden urge to urinate even with a small amount of urine. Failure to urinate in time can lead to urinary incontinence, usually accompanied by symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and nocturia. Overactive bladder is one of these, and most cases are primary and have no known cause. However, urge incontinence can also be caused by urinary tract infection, diabetes, stroke, spinal cord nerve damage, etc.
Mixed incontinence: Both stress and urge incontinence.
Overflow incontinence: Due to the weakening of the bladder muscle contraction ability or the long-term obstruction of the bladder opening, urine cannot be effectively discharged and accumulates, and flows out when the bladder is full. This may happen without any urge to urinate. Overflow incontinence is common in diabetics, and may also be caused by problems with the urinary nervous system, or may be caused by prostate hyperplasia blocking the male urethra.
Functional urinary incontinence: The patient's urinary awareness, urination function and urinary system are completely normal, but due to mobility problems, he is unable to go to the toilet in time, resulting in urinary incontinence. It often occurs in the elderly, patients with joint diseases, the disabled and patients with cognitive disorders.
Urinary incontinence can be divided into three levels according to the degree. Mild initial symptoms, only a small amount of urine leaks out involuntarily, patients usually do not feel bothered, do not need to use sanitary napkins, and do not cause too much trouble to life. Moderate urinary incontinence requires the use of sanitary napkins at the beginning, otherwise it may soak through underwear, even to the trousers and office chairs. As for more serious symptoms, even the slightest movement will cause a large amount of urinary incontinence, and adult diapers need to be used. Bladder, uterus or rectum prolapse may be felt.